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Full Version: eBay France to make Gallery mandatory
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From Tamebay:

Quote:eBay France have just announced that from the 28th August, Gallery pictures will no longer be priced seperately, but will be included in a revised insertion fee.

Intended “to make searching the site more visual and more intuitive”, the new fee structure is designed to reward low-start auctions: there’s a new cheapest tranche for items starting at €1,00 or less, and this will apply to auctions only, as the lowest price for BIN on eBay.fr is €1,99.

There’s also a new most expensive tranche for items priced at €250 or more. Between the two, sellers of lower priced items may find themselves 5c a listing better off, while those selling items €50 or above will see fees increase by 15c...

Full article, new eBay.fr fee structure, and comments: http://www.tamebay.com/2007/07/ebay-fran...lsory.html

from Randy Smythe:

Quote:In the US, very few Media sellers use Gallery in their CORE listings because the cost in prohibitive with their already squeezed margins. Sue Bailey of Tamebay.com has posted about this and has a different take. I'm slightly confused. To me, this looks like a huge fee increase to sellers who currently choose not to use Gallery because of the cost...

full article: http://rksmythe.blogspot.com/2007/07/eba...anges.html