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Full Version: How to Improve Your Homepage Performance Significantly
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Quote:If you're in the middle of a homepage design review (just as we are), here's a handy checklist of eight improvements worth testing...

#1. Refocus 80% of the page on a single primary audience

Although your home has to serve everyone -- prospects, press, investors, customers, HR recruiting, partners/distributors, etc. -- dividing the real estate into even sections for each one will create a mishmash so no one can find anything.

Instead, pick the audience you most need to impress with your homepage (I'm assuming it's prospects you hope to sell something to) and dedicate the vast majority of the page to their needs. Note: I'm NOT saying "dedicate it to marketing to them" but rather "to their needs," which is something else entirely...

full article: http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article.html?ident=30111