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Full Version: Why SERPs are Overrated
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Quote:4. Rankings don't equal targeted traffic. Heck, rankings don't always even equal un-targeted traffic! If you or your SEO company optimizes your pages for keyword phrases that nobody's searching for, your optimization efforts will all be wasted. And if you're measuring success by how you rank for those useless keywords, you may be thinking you're successful when you're really not. This is actually one of the oldest tricks in the book for unscrupulous (or incompetent) SEO companies to use. They fulfill their end of the bargainĀ—get you rankingsĀ—and you're left scratching your head wondering why your website is still a ghost town.

5. Rankings don't equal conversions or sales. Along the same lines of #4, all the high rankings in the world won't matter if they don't increase your bottom line somehow. If you receive lots of untargeted traffic, or no traffic at all, your sales will remain static.

full article: http://searchengineland.com/080131-071244.php