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Quote:The new site at UN Data allows anyone to access the United Nations Data Access System. This online, easy-to-use database was created by the UN in order to provide current, relevant, and reliable statistics to the whole world, for free. Using UN Data, you can access statistical information on populations, demographics, trade, commodities, agriculture, employment, the environment, industry, education, tourism, and much more.

For many people, the first source for data is a Google search or a Wikipedia entry, however educational institutions and news agencies generally frown on using data from these sources, especially considering some of the inaccuracies found on Wikipedia not too long ago.

But now, students, journalists, and everyone else can access data straight from the source - the actual statistics published by the UN...

full article: http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/un_...l.php#more

The UN Data site: http://data.un.org/