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Full Version: Business Blogging Basics
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Quote:Here are some other ways blogs can be used:

    * Simple, low cost PR. Blogs are a simple and fast way to put information online.
    * Establish expertise. Position yourself and your company as the expert, and raise your visibility with your target market.
    * Extend communications and customer relationships. Blogs enable companies to present a human face and voice to the public. Blogs allow you to join customer discussions, respond to concerns, provide tips and insights, or receive feedback.
    * Build community. Use blogs to grow group support around a cause, political issue, technology or hobby related to your product.
    * Test ideas or products. Because blogs are informal and conversational in nature, you can publish an idea and see if it generates any interest or buzz.
    * Higher search engine rankings. Google and other search engines reward sites with a lot of content that is updated often and have many inbound links. Some example of business blogs that take advantage of these uses are major corporations such as Dell, McDonalds and Boeing.

full article: http://imediaconnection.com/content/18998.asp
Thanks for providing such a nice information, I had an idea of blogging but I never really knew it.