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Full Version: The EntreCard Suck Factor
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Entrecard has had it's issues in the time that I've been a member, but one thing that was strong is the community. That changed last week over a minor brou-ha-ha in theĀ  Community Forum, and the issue of free speech. (the blog whose post I'm linking to is the single most popular blog on the EC network, more popular than John Chow or Problogger)

Yes Virginia, There Still Is An Entrecard... But for how long?

Quote:Let's take this a little further though. While I still feel Entrecard is a benefit there is a Suck Factor to consider. Right now the Suck Factor for Entrecard is at a solid 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. (And slowly rising.)

When I first joined the Suck Factor was about a 1. Mainly due to outages for loads and downtime. They purchased additional servers to alleviate this. (But lately speed/downtime has been affected again.)

The Suck Factor jumped to a 3 when the new pricing scheme went into play. Unless you are willing to buy credits, or not sleep like I do (not recommended) and maintain dropping like mad on 5 accounts you can't advertise on popular sites. Your ability to advertise gets less bang for the ec credits required now, than before the new system went into play.

The Suck Factor currently stands at 5 due to the nonsense imposed by Entrecard in the forums. Plain and simple it's called censorship where NONE WAS REQUIRED. A few people cried, whined, and called foul when they were offended by responses they were given in the forums to topics/questions they brought up. There was nothing to get offended about. As a matter of fact, the offended parties were the ones that started "the offensive" crap in all reality.

(As lukewarm as it was.)

Continue reading here: http://monfat48.blogspot.com/2008/06/yes...ecard.html