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Full Version: Choosing and using color on your ecommerce web site
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Quote:Of all the choices you make when designing a Web site, one of the most important is the colors you use. Without reading anything on a Web site, simply seeing the colors it uses can tell you a lot about its products and the company behind it

That is, of course, provided the designers chose colors that would deliver the right message to the site's visitors. In this article I'll talk about color, how to use the color wheel to find color combinations, and I'll introduce you to some tools that can help you choose colors for your Web site...

full article: http://www.ecommerce-guide.com/solutions...hp/3755011
Part 2 of the article:

Quote:In this second article, we'll look at how you can utilize these color schemes in your Web application and in design tools such as Photoshop.

Elements of a Color Scheme
Creating color schemes and setting up your software to make these colors easily accessible will speed up the process of creating your Web site and we'll cover the basics to get you going, and provide some handy reference tools and resources. ..

full article: http://www.ecommerce-guide.com/solutions...hp/3766276