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Full Version: Cross Channel Strategies: follow the social networking habits of your customers
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Quote:Attaining the optimal mix of product selection, pricing and content in catalogs and collateral; and the tailoring of guided selling and navigation within multichannel management strategies is too important to leave to just trial and error. Lacking frameworks to define optimal mix of resources, anecdotal data instead of actual results often define the mix of resources across channels. Tapping into the immediate feedback social networking can provide eliminates the need to just rely on anecdotal data. You can find out what's working and why, quickly.

Cross-channel shoppers spend more, tend to be more loyal, and purchase more from companies that get cross-channel selling as close to optimal as possible.

With so much at stake from being able to attract and retain cross-channel shoppers, the need for optimizing content, applications, pricing and product selection is crucial. Several studies have highlighted how much more profitable it is to attract cross-channel shoppers than focusing only on a single channel for a given type of customer...

full article: http://ecommercetimes.com/story/Social-N...64543.html