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Full Version: PPC Advertising: Should you bid on your own brand's keywords and terms?
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Quote:Should you bid on your own brand's keywords and terms?

This is a question that is often raised at any search engine marketing conference or seminar. It is a question that sparks debate and discussion between the three camps: the search engines, the campaign management agencies, and the brand owners. The search engines will obviously say: "Yes, you should", but no one believes them because they have a vested interest in increasing any bidding activity. The brand owners will say: "No, I already own the top SEO results so why should I waste money."  And the agencies will straddle the fence because they know that the branded terms perform better in click-through-rate (CTR) and return-on-ad-spend (ROAS) -- but they need to appear independent. Neither the search engines nor the agencies can seem to articulate further to convince the advertisers any further.

From my experience, the answer to this question is unequivocally: "Yes, a company should bid on the keyword phrases and terms of its brands and products."...

full article: http://imediaconnection.com/content/20618.asp