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Full Version: Which Boinktard Beartard Broke This Server Last Night???
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I couldn't access this s.hithole last night.

Who broke the server? Boinktard
Nobody broke THIS server last night.  THIS server has been running without any downtime since March.

14:26:10 up 194 days, 18:39,  0 users,  load average: 0.29, 0.33, 0.34

If you want to rephrase your question and ask who broke a hard drive on ns1.tulipdomains.com last night then I'll be happy to answer your moronic question. Thefinger
Quote:If you want to rephrase your question and ask who broke a hard drive on ns1.tulipdomains.com last night then I'll be happy to answer your moronic question

The drive went down again again. We're cloning and then replacing the hard drive so TT and every other site that uses that nameserver will be inaccessible for a few hours.

TT is already invisible to most of you because the nameserver is down so I'm probably the only one who can read this message (googlebot is the only other current visitor). Smile

EDIT: 4 hours later - cloning compete and ns1.tulipdomains.com is operational again.