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Quote:5 Trends for European online retail...

Impact financial crises uncertain

The impact of the financial crises is uncertain, but like Michel Lieffering, CEO of Conrad Electronic explained to me: every crises has a winner and maybe online will be the winner this time. It’s the ‘battle of the channels’. Recent research from the UK shows that consumers are changing online behaviour, doing more price comparison and doing more shopping online. Maybe it’s like Scott Silvemann of Shop.org said yesterday: we not immune for the financial crises, yet we are resilient...

full article: http://blog.shop.org/2008/10/29/5-trends...ne-retail/

Quote:Key drivers for the demand side:

- Widespread uptake of broadband in Europe
- Increasing numbers of internet users and tenure online
- European Net users are increasingly confident online

Key drivers for the supply side:

- Improving delivery options (in terms of cost and times)
- Gradual improvement in the site design
- Growing competition among online merchants
- Increasing promotion of online shopping

full article: http://blog.shop.org/2008/10/29/preview-...retailing/