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Help E-retailers Capture Dollars on Cyber Monday

As this time of year is make it or break it for many retailers, now is the last chance to prepare for the busy period. E-retailers are ramping up heavy-duty deals to turn skittish shoppers into buyers during the crucial Thanksgiving weekend and "Cyber Monday" -- but even so, online sales are expected to be fairly flat after years of strong growth. Here are some tips help you capture dollars on Cyber Monday.

Tip 1: Send eCards to Your Customers with Promotion Info
If you have email addresses of your customers, you could send a holiday eCard to them with your wishes and promotion information. An eCard would be friendly than a .txt email. There are many eCard tools like PPT to eCard help you build the holiday card in minutes.

Tip 2: Set Google Pay-per-click ad words and Get Traffic
Open Google Adwords and get traffic from Google could be an easy way to get higher traffic. Many users search “Cyber Monday Offer”, “Cyber Monday Discount” and the like on Google, E-retailers could open some related keywords on Google and get the traffic quickly.

Tip 3: List a Promotion on CyberMonday.com
Use the marketing muscle of the site CyberMonday.com run by Shop.org. "A lot of smaller e-tailers don't know the site exists, but it's an extra area of exposure you can capitalize on," said Leuenberger. "To stand out, though, you have to have a great deal, something beyond just free shipping."

"We do quite a bit of testing, and this is one of those little things that make a big difference to the bottom line," said Leuenberger. "It will boost the average order value."

Tip 4: Create Product Bundle Gift Packages & Free Shipping
Develop a "gift package" bundle that includes items that complement each other. Make sure the price of the bundled package costs less than if the shopper actually purchased each product separately from your store.

Tip 5: Dress Up your Products with Flash Presentations
As Flash is the ultimate output, we should set up more engaging content to outstand the products and embed to web easily. But Adobe Flash Professional is difficult for most businessmen to create a Flash presentation, but they are familiar with PowerPoint. SPAM LINK REMOVED is designed for E-retailers to do holiday promotion. It helps retailers rapidly build products presentations, eCard and quiz games without any programming skills. Now it offers up to 56% discount for Cyber Monday. You could go to Spam link to overpriced template package on shady Chinese website removed.  If you can't pay to advertise your site and instead have to resort to spam, your products are obviously complete sh.it and learn more about it.

Tip 6: 1. Share the Love, Spread it Out
One-day sales are great for everyone, except your fulfillment staff. In order to prevent hysteria for your customer service staff, run the sale over a few days rather than one day only. This also will allow time for customer viral marketing to kick in.

Tip 7: Give a Free Gift Away for Orders Over a Certain Amount
"I'm not talking free shipping promos. Add something different to it," said Leuenberger. "Something with a flare. Such as, 'If you buy this flashlight, get a pack of batteries free.' Make it worth their while. People expect free shipping, so if you're trying to be competitive, be the one who offers that plus a deal, and you'll get more sales."

If you have email addresses of your customers, you could send a holiday eCard to them with your wishes and promotion information. An eCard would be friendly than a .txt email. There are many eCard tools like PPT to eCard help you build the holiday card in minutes.