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Full Version: Direct Navigation: 3 Steps to Optimize Your Domain Name Strategy
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Quote:There are two ways consumers search for content online. Direct navigation, also known as type-in navigation, is the process wherein users open their browsers, go to the address bar, and type in a domain name that has either been communicated to them through marketing or is assumed to be a source for content that they are looking for.

For example, a user might type www.weather.com into a browser to determine what to wear to work that day, or type in www.niketennis.com to get the latest news on Roger Federer. Direct navigation exists in contrast to search navigation, wherein a user searches for a string of keywords or terms using a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN.

While it may seem as though search navigation is the overwhelmingly preferred search method, the majority of users actually practice direct navigation when looking for desired content. Furthermore, it has been reported that direct navigators are the most valuable website visitors. This makes sense -- after all, these browsers are looking for specific products and are often ready to commit to a purchase. As a result, brands would do well to tailor their online strategies to accommodate direct navigators in order to optimize their online presence...

full article: http://imediaconnection.com/content/21569.asp