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Full Version: UMA, 3GSM probably spell the end of the road for Skype, Vonage and other VoIPs
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Quote:3GSM It's small, it's boring and won't turn any heads - but it probably spells the end of the road for Skype, Vonage and any other hopeful independent VoIP companies. It's Nokia's 6136 phone, which allows you to make calls over your home or office Wi-Fi network, as well as on a regular cellular network. UMA, or unlicensed mobile access, is the mobile operators' answer to the threat of VoIP - and now it's reality.

Many of Nokia's mid-range and high-end phones will feature Wi-Fi, and UMA allows the user to keep one phone number, one handset, and receive one bill at the end of every month...

"VoIP will never go mobile without the co-operation of the mobile operators."...

full article: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/02/14/..._analysis/