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Full Version: eBay Celebrity Culture: Seller is elated to sell A Piece Of Crap On Ebay
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Quote:Tim Beavin doesn't mince words. When the 30-year-old says that many eBay sellers offer online crap and that many eBay buyers are eager to purchase this online crap, he is speaking from experience, with authority, and with a keen eye for marketing.

To prove his point Beavin offered eBay buyers an opportunity to "Buy A Piece Of Crap On Ebay."

And, as he predicted, he had takers. One day before his auction was due to end, nearly 100 bidders each plunked down 99 cents for a piece of the action: one of the 134 sections of signboard that when reassembled formed a sign bearing the word CRAP. One section is a piece of crap...

full article: http://www.timesargus.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...60308/1006
The guy definitely has some "interesting" items and listing creativity!