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Full Version: Help for Managing Search Marketing 10 challenges of picking Technology Solutions
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Quote:These days, your company probably runs search marketing campaigns, because quite simply, you need to. And, you’re probably experiencing the usual challenges-- not wanting to bid too much for your keywords, trying to figure out where your diminishing returns kick in, competing with others for the perfect keyword placement and having a tough time managing thousands of keywords across multiple engines. You know you need to manage all of this somehow, so have you considered working with a search marketing technology partner yet? Are you even sure what to look for?

Whether you’re dabbling in search marketing or you're a seasoned veteran of the practice, you may not know all that a search technology solution should offer to help you succeed. There are many critical components, but because of the seemingly endless appetite for Top 10 lists, here are the top 10 challenges a search technology solution can (and should) solve:...

full article: http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/8332.asp