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Full Version: Focusing Your Customer's Attention: Creating the Right Web Site Menu System
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Quote:...when you're guiding your customer, having the right website menu systems and structures is key...

The key to creating menu systems and structures that are memorable is to make use of some thing people already know and some thing you already know about them. On your part, you can do some sameness sorting and determine if your audience is primarily Tourists or Locals. On your audience's part, you can make use of the fact that they'll difference sort in a way they've already learned to do, make use of daily and have been successful with many and many a time; visual hierarchies.

Visual hierarchies are as old as human-kind itself. Top to bottom is the one most people raised in western societies know from childhood. ...

Now match the two: audience to hierarchy...

full article: http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/8412.asp