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Full Version: New Feature Revise Your Listings In Bulk
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Quote:***Revise Your Listings In Bulk*** 

March 01, 2006 | 04:05PM PST/PT

Michael Maffeo
Hi, I'm Michael Maffeo, a Product Manager focusing on Seller Tools here at eBay. We know that one way we can help sellers save time is by letting you revise several of your listings at once. I'm pleased to let you know that we've now made several changes to our Revise process so that you can update listings in bulk.

For Stores Owners
We've upgraded your current bulk revision tools within My eBay and Selling Manager to include the ability to revise auction-style and Fixed Price listings, in addition to your Store Inventory Format listings. Also, you can now revise your BIN and Reserve prices and add to your descriptions for multiple listings at once, in addition to the fields you could revise before.

For All Other Sellers
Now you can revise multiple listings at the same time right within My eBay. You can make revisions to your start prices, BIN prices, Reserves, and the payment methods you accept, and even add listing upgrades (such as Subtitle or Bold), or the Item Condition to multiple listings at the same time. Revisions can be made on up to 10 listings of any format at once, or up to 200 listings if you are a Selling Manager or Selling Manager Pro subscriber.

To revise multiple listings, go to your My eBay Selling page and use the checkbox next to the listings you want to revise. Then simply hit Edit at the top of the Items I’m Selling section.

Note: In keeping with our revision rules, you may not be able to change certain details if your listing has bids, purchases, or there are fewer than 12 hours left.

more information: http://pages.ebay.com/sell/RYI/mass-edit...me=CMDV:AB
*shock* a new eBay feature with glitches  Smile

Quote:Watch the Bulk Edit Tool! Be prepared to revise after revisions. RANT!!
It's just the norm. Nothing surprises me about feebay anymore.