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Full Version: Interesting New Use for AdWords: NY Legislature Targeted in Political Protest
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A new form of political protest:  Google AdWords.  Political policy institute DMI purchased Google AdWords for every NY State legislator to mount this campaign.

Quote:Google this, Albany.

Dysfunction is no longer an excuse.

Today DMI released "Fighting for New York's Middle Class: 2001-2005 NY State Legislative Scorecard."

We give every member of the New York State legislature a grade based on how they voted on bills of importance to strengthening and expanding our state's middle class from 2001 to 2005.

Yes, you heard me. We are grading Albany legislators, participants in the most dysfunctional state legislature in the country.

Look, just because the legislature is dysfunctional doesn't mean it is harmless. Every day state legislators make decisions that impact the lives and livelihoods of their residents, determining if and how New Yorkers can realize the American Dream. The problem is: nobody knows what those decisions are.

So in the name of accountability, today we are not only releasing our scorecard, but also a 30-day Google Ad word campaign highlighting the scores of every member of the legislature.

If you google your state legislator, or discuss a New York legislator on a "GMail" email account, you will be instantly informed of his/her grade on DMI's scorecard and provided a link to follow for more information.

full announcement and sample adwords ad: http://www.dmiblog.net/archives/2006/03/...lbany.html
Do you even know the name of your state legislator? I don't.  Laughing7 :-[