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Full Version: First there was Spam, now there is Spit
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Quote:Users of e-mail must wade through scores of junk messages each morning and risk deleting that all-important business or personal correspondence, and now internet phone systems are being deluged by junk calls which have been given the unhygienic-sounding acronym Spit (SPam over Internet Telephony)...

The nuisance calls take the form of answerphone messages sent automatically to web phone answering services. The attraction for the junk callers is that their calls will be free, just as the advent of free e-mail allowed marketers to bulk-e-mail millions of unfortunate users at the same time.

And just like the infamous e-mails from Africa which beg for money, internet phone calls asking for cash are emerging from Nigeria...

full article: http://news.scotsman.com/scitech.cfm?id=544332006