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Full Version: Which works better: Branding or Direct Marketing?
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Quote:Branding or Direct: Cats Just Don't Care

At the end of the day, customers don't care whether you're branding or marketing directly. They can't tell the difference and don't care enough to try. Technology and interactivity confer more control over the buying process and countless angles of approach for experiencing a brand. All consumers see is what's relevant to them. The rest they ignore or, worse, use to shape (and share) a negative perception of you.

Your customer has more choice and more control. She must no longer conform to a seller's selling process. She can take control and move on to another seller. She can act like the cat she's always been.

After all, no cat wants to be taught to bark...

full article: http://www.clickz.com/experts/crm/traffi...hp/3605231