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Full Version: The Cowboy
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Cowboy Bob is riding his horse in the desert one afternoon.  He happened upon and a rattlesnake. Bob got his rifle, slid off the saddle, and took aim!!
The snake screams "Hey, don't shoot me!!  If you let me live, I will grant you 3 wishes.
Bob's first wish is to have Fabio's good looks.
Bob's second wish is to be buff like Arnold Schwartenegger.
Bob's last wish is to be hung like his horse!!
The snake tells Bob that all his wishes have been granted. 
Bob heads back to the bunkhouse.  When he looks in the tin mirror, Bob face looks GREAT... long flowing hair and Fabio good looks.  Bob takes his shirt off and he is totally buff!! Arnold would be jealous.  Bob drops his drawers and...

"Sh!t, I rode the mare today."
;D ;D ;D
Whatcha think guys . . . would it have been worse to have been riding the gelding??  Toothy9
Quote:Whatcha think guys . . . would it have been worse to have been riding the gelding?? 

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