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Full Version: 7 Tips for Boosting Website Conversions and Enhancing User Experience
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Article offers tips on optimizing your website to improve the user experience and conversions:

Quote:The web continues to blossom as 68 percent of users connect via broadband, spending over 30.5 hours per month online. For a richer experience that combines all media, consumers are turning to the internet. As a company, you need to get searchers to their requisite data quickly and build a full-bodied experience for surfers who want to browse and interact with the brand by harnessing both ends of the online experience with creative use of tools afforded by the web.

To start, you should think about your industry and product offerings to determine how to better leverage the possibilities of the web by matching the needs of your customers against emerging media opportunities. Put simply, a few lines of text and thumbnail images aren't going to increase sales anymore. You need to invest in the resources, assets, infrastructure, and analytical reporting capabilities that today's market demands...

full article: http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/9766.asp
A related article:

Quote: Let's face it, in a world where almost every conceivable metric of analyzing your website traffic is available to you, the only metric that really truly matters is conversions. Click through rates, page views, time spent on site, number of pages read, entrance and exit points, abandonment; all of these metrics are fantastic, but if you're not using them to improve your conversion rates, well then, you're simply not using them.

Most people look at their website as a whole but in reality it is merely a collection of parts. These parts (web pages) are essentially individual steps—or stepping stones—that should lead your visitors to a specific goal: the conversion. If all of your steps are working properly, you should see an increase in conversion rates and sales. If your steps are broken or lead your visitors to the wrong thing at the wrong time, then you're giving qualified visitors an opportunity to exit before the get what they came for...

full article: http://searchengineland.com/070614-071626.php
Another related article:

Quote:Conversion rate improvement, for many of us, is as much a part of the overall process of optimizing a paid search campaign as, say, "off-page factors" are to SEO....

After arbitrarily eliminating some page clutter and moving some other things to reorient priorities, we selected four page elements to test...

Headline. If you have any kind of core message, headline, tagline, etc. at the top of an offer page or home page, this seems to be a perennial influencer of results. It's telling users what you are, but it's here that you can also introduce doubts in the user's mind. You can unwittingly plant negative or misleading thoughts that lead to an aversion to doing business with you..

full article: http://searchengineland.com/070619-093736.php