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Full Version: SQUIRL launches social networking site for collectors
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Quote:If we've learned anything from eBay--and the rest of the Web, really--it's that people live to collect stuff.

A new site called Squirl aims to tap into that passion, which can consume lives in ways that defy all logic and practicality. (Remember Beanie Babies?) As of this posting, its "Featured Collections" include coffins and dead bugs...

Ultra-niche venues that cater to every interest are as old as the Internet, of course. But Squirl offers a place where collectors can meet like souls and showcase their treasures for those who can truly appreciate them. In this sense, it's part Yahoo, part eBay, part MySpace and part Flickr...

full article: http://news.com.com/2061-12572_3-6111850.html

Quote:The recently launched Squirl allows collectors to become online curators. The company is betting on the fact that hardcore collectors will benefit from sharing their object obsession online and interacting with like-minded people.

Squirl was founded by two friends who saw a need for an online service that would let anyone keep a digital copy of their collections, whether it be 3000 45rpm records or Pez dispensers. Unlike Wishlistr and Your-Wishlist, Squirl is about showing off the unique items that you already own.

full article: http://www.buzzshout.com/shoutblog/2006/...-show-off/

The Squirl website: http://squirl.info/
Squirl tour: http://squirl.info/tour/