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Full Version: Starting an online video site: specialization is your best bet
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Quote:Want to Build a Great Online Video Site? Focus on Older Users...

Overall, while the online video market is growing like crazy (accompanied by strong growth in the broadband market),up until recently the most popular online video sites have been oriented to mass youth markets, primarily young males. But as online video surges and more people get used to getting their daily video clips via these services, there's going to be an ever-expanding market for niche video sites that don't cater to adolescent tastes. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the achilles heel (from a marketing and revenue standpoint) of these sites is that they're so focused (and will continue to be focused due to the Network Effect so prevalent in social networking sites) on the youth market. There's a whole huge demographic of older Web users (like, you know, older than 18...duh!) who want video content that speaks to them....

full article: http://www.publish.com/article2/0,1895,2010976,00.asp