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Full Version: Help Wanted: Good Credit History Required
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Quote:LaToya Horton was temping at a management consulting firm in Boston last January when it offered her a full-time job as a clerk. Then, the firm said it needed to check her credit.

Horton, 30, of Dorchester, didn't get the job after her credit report showed $18,000 in deferred student loans.

“My credit wasn't perfect, but I never thought my student loans would go against me,” said Horton. “The company said I could reapply once I had two years of excellent credit, but there is no way I am going to be able to pay off those loans that quickly.”

In the past, only banks and financial service companies routinely ran credit checks on potential employees. But employers in other sectors increasingly are including them in the screening process to assess applicants' honesty and integrity, traits not readily gleaned from a résumé...

full article: http://www.theday.com/re.aspx?re=01b75bd...4a502a2e55