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Full Version: Are EBay and Store Sellers Headed for Divorce?
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The latest from ex-eBay seller Randy Smythe (Glacier Bay DVD):

Quote:Sellers are basically on a month-to-month lease with eBay and as long as they can still make money, most will continue to sell even though they are unhappy. But for a great many of them there is certainly no long-term plan for staying on eBay. (This should be troubling to eBay and their investors) Most are in the wait and see mode waiting for the other shoe to drop. (I have a ton more clichés where those came from). And a great many have made their first store reductions on the hope that sales will improve rather than decline. So from a business standpoint eBay sellers are preparing to make the hard choices, and eBay, in my view, has very little time to keep them. Most will stick it out through the holidays, but all bets are off for the 1st Quarter of 07...

full article: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article...d_for.html
Pretty apt anology ....... what's the cliche about "hell hath no fury"?  Seems pretty appropriate also. 

Has anyone ever met Randy Smythe at an eBay Live or anything?  Just from his articles, he seems like a pretty intelligent guy.
Thanks for the links - guess I didn't think of checking out that thread.  That Bear Stearns conference call should be interesting!
Hey, I just noticed that this is my 100th post - woo hoo .....  I see I'm now a "Full Member".  I can only hope this is a title of distinction, and not one related in any way to the vulgar eBay ID that got Frik n' Frak kicked off eBay!