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Full Version: Hackers claim to have found zero-day flaw in Firefox
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Quote:The open-source Firefox Web browser is critically flawed in the way it handles JavaScript, two hackers said Saturday afternoon.

An attacker could commandeer a computer running the browser simply by crafting a Web page that contains some malicious JavaScript code, Mischa Spiegelmock and Andrew Wbeelsoi said in a presentation at the ToorCon hacker conference here. The flaw affects Firefox on Windows, Apple Computer's Mac OS X and Linux, they said...

The flaw is specific to Firefox's implementation of JavaScript, a 10-year old scripting language widely used on the Web. In particular, various programming tricks can cause a stack overflow error, Spiegelmock said. The implementation is a "complete mess," he said. "It is impossible to patch." ...

full article: http://news.com.com/2100-1002_3-6121608.html?part=rss&tag=6121608&subj=news
Quote:A public claim by hackers that Mozilla's Firefox browser is vulnerable to multiple code execution vulnerabilities may be an overblown hoax.

On the heels of a ToorCon presentation where two security researchers—Mischa Spiegelmock and Andrew Wbeelsoi—warned that Firefox's implementation of JavaScript was badly flawed and could allow PC takeover attacks, Mozilla's engineers say the risk is limited to a denial-of-service issue.

Spiegelmock, a developer at Six Apart, a blog software company in San Francisco, now says the ToorCon talk was meant "to be humorous" and insists the code presented at the conference cannot result in code execution...

full article: http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2023762,00.asp
Microsoft rumor mongering? ;D