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Full Version: You could put a spray-painted dog turd on IT
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Quote:DON'T understand the point of eBay. Has anyone ever bought anything good on it? If it was a High Street store, it would be a low-rent, second hand version of Argos.

It'd be a massive warehouse filled with junk really far away so you couldn't touch it, see it properly or try it on. You'd have to fight furiously with people to get an ill-fitting coat with its own moth colony, or a bent headboard, or a picture of a sad-eyed clown worth 2p.

Watchdog would have it shut down within the week.

But because eBay is online, there's some kind of magical, digital power that keeps it all ticking over. You could put a spray-painted dog turd on it, put the word "vintage" next to it, and people would be clamouring for it like crazed pensioners at a jumble sale. In fact, so would I...

full article: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/tm_objectid=17853297&method=full&siteid=66633&headline=each-time-i-go-on-ebay-i-seem-to-lose-my-mind--name_page.html
I sure hope this does not lead to a huge glut on the market for spray painted turds, especially those  imported asian/counterfiet ones.

added link to other poop auction story

Quote:You'd have to fight furiously with people to get an ill-fitting coat with its own moth colony, or a bent headboard, or a picture of a sad-eyed clown worth 2p.

Happy001 Happy001 Happy001
This sounds like a good article for the SB RR thread.  Evil4