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Quote:Gabriel Re-Shocks the Monkey Online
The British rock legend holds a Web contest to remix a classic song, draws more than 700 entries, and, in the process, promotes his record label

Ever since music file sharing upended the record business, labels and artists have been doing everything they can to keep copyrighted tunes from ricocheting around the Internet for free. British singer-songwriter Peter Gabriel recently went in totally the opposite direction, posting the musical ingredients of his 1982 classic Shock the Monkey and inviting fans to morph it into something new and original.

The resulting Shock the Monkey remix contest, viewable on www.realworldremixed.com, is one rock musician's solution to the problem faced by nearly everyone in the media business these days: how to stay relevant when consumers are generating so much of their own content on sites such as News Corp.'s  MySpace and Google's latest acquisition, YouTube...

full article: http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/co...a.rss1018u