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Full Version: MyBlogLog community tool service needs work on safeguarding users' privacy
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Quote:I just tried an odd new community tool, MyBlogLog. It's a system that lets you "join" a blog or site, which is cool because you can also see other people who are members of the site. If you happen to see someone you know (a friend, perhaps, or maybe an industry figure or famous person), you'll likely want to see what other sites they are members of. (By default, you become a member of a site after you've visited it ten times.) It's a neat social networking tool, and unique in that it requires no action from participants to join sites they develop affiliations with...

But there's an awkward side to MyBlogLog, too: If you're a MyBlogLog user, and you visit a site, and if the blog publisher has installed the right MyBlogLog widget, your face and name appears in the widget. I was surfing around the Web and visited a site I'd never been to, and pow there's my face on the site. That was weird -- it made me wish I hadn't set up my profile with my real name or my picture...

full article: http://news.com.com/2061-12572_3-6128236.html?part=rss&tag=6128236&subj=news
MyBlogLog: http://www.mybloglog.com/

Quote:You probably know a ton about your favorite bloggers - what they think about the subjects they write about, maybe some of their work and life history... you may even know what toothpaste they use. But how much do you know about all the other people who read their blogs? And how much do they know about you?...

MyBlogLog is launching this new Communities service to empower authors and readers to operate at the same level. For the first time, everyone who reads a web site or blog can learn about and engage with one another, and in the process take the conversation to a whole new level.

Readers can become friends with other people who read your favorite blogs. See what else they're reading. Check out their MySpace and Friendster profiles and view their Flickr photostreams. Authors can learn more about their readers individually and as a group. What do they like and what are they ignoring? What are they reading elsewhere on the Web?...
Quote:I was surfing around the Web and visited a site I'd never been to, and pow there's my face on the site.

Mybloglog is very effective tool for online marketing, I am getting bunch of traffic from it, Thanks