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Full Version: eBay Sellers and Fake Vero Claims
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Quote:eBay’s VERO program (VERO stands for ‘Verified Rights Owner’) was designed to give intellectual property owners a way to protect their copyrights on eBay. Typically, this is used to protect against counterfeit and illegal sale of items.

You might imagine my surprise when I learned our eBay account was zapped with a VERO complaint earlier this week. At first, I thought it was some disgruntled competitor using the VERO program to create negative strikes against us. The VERO violation was for a brand name juicer we sell although it really wasn’t clear exactly what the VERO violation was for.. Upon closer look, I saw that the email of the person who filed the complaint was from the juicer company itself. The eBay user id was a ubiquitous one which is apparently kept as a ‘mole’ for this company...

full article: http://commonsenseecommerce.com/blog/200...like-ebay/