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Full Version: de.licio.us? Link Exchange?
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OK. Ever since that thread where Bell introduced my to de.licio.us, I've been using it a LOT.

I've also exchanged links with a few people who have de.licio.us links "feeds" and I have actually seen return clicks from their feeds in my daily stats. WAHHOOOO!!

So--I added everyone I exchanged links with in the got links? thread to my de.licio.us links feed, hoping it will send traffic your way.

Here is my business de.licio.us feed: http://del.icio.us/plasticpumpkin

If anyone else is using this service, let's do some reciprocal linking. I'll also add your feed to my "network" (if you want). The more links we get, the more we move up as popular sites--and the more people we can draw in!