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Full Version: Captitalizing on 'Spontaneous Buying' during the Holidays
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Quote:A recent survey conducted by Harris Research found that a sizeable number of consumers are making so-called "spontaneous," or unplanned, purchases. These shoppers set out on their Web journeys without intending to become buyers, but before they can close their browser windows, they've made at least one purchase...

The survey found that 46 percent of the people who bought online recently made at least one unplanned purchase -- in other words, they went online to do something else and ended up buying something.

"The numbers jumped out at us because this represents a lot of potential and there are clearly ways that Web sites can make sure they're capturing some of these sales," Glassman said...

full article: http://ecommercetimes.com/story/8OHZTRUz...ason.xhtml