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Full Version: UK Schools dimantling WiFi Wireless Computer Networks over Health Concerns
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Radiation levels blamed for illnesses
Teacher became too sick to work

Parents and teachers are forcing some schools to dismantle wireless computer networks amid fears that they could damage children’s health.
More schools are putting transmitters in classrooms to give pupils wireless access from laptops to the school computer network and the internet.

But many parents and some scientists fear that low levels of microwave radiation emitted by the transmitters could be harmful, causing loss of concentration, headaches, fatigue, memory and behavioural problems and possibly cancer in the long term. Scientific evidence is inconclusive, but some researchers think that children are vulnerable because of their thinner skulls and developing nervous systems...

full article: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,...48,00.html
I have my wireless router right on my desktop--sitting right next to me. Great. I guess I should move the thing.