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Full Version: The Seven Deadly Ecommerce Sins
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Quote:ECT: Poor return policies must be one of the top e-commerce sins, right? What's your view on that?
Harpointner: There's little else that kills a "would-be" customer's confidence in a product and enthusiasm about a purchase as quickly as a poor return policy. Regardless of whether you're running an online or offline retail store, a fair and easy return policy is often the key factor that converts a shopper into a customer.

Don't make the mistake of offering a great product selection, excellent prices and a great user experience only to kill the sale with a poor return policy. Make sure your return policy is clearly written and simple to understand. If there are any unusual terms (i.e. restocking fees), explain why...

full article: http://ecommercetimes.com/story/8OHZMCnz...Sins.xhtml