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Full Version: Partner Swapping, Artificial Tongues, Viagra...and Pandas
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Quote:Viagra, pornography, partner-swapping, artificial tongues and electrified rectal probes. No, they are not the ingredients for a new series of Sex And The City; they are the hard-core husbandry techniques behind a massive boom in the captive giant panda population.

The world's most famous endangered species is making a comeback. After a record 31 births in zoos and research centres this year, Chinese scientists say they have developed a near-100 per cent success rate for breeding the animals.

The population in the wild has stabilised at just over 1500 and their habitat - one of the most important centres of biodiversity in the world - has been given a new and expanded guarantee of protection by the government...

full article: http://www.theage.com.au/news/world/old-...64593.html
Quote:he keepers have provided sex education in the form of wildlife videos - dubbed "panda porn" - showing the animals mating in the forests.

To boost sex drive, they once tried the remedy used by countless millions of humans: Viagra. "We'll never do that again," Mr Zhang says. "The panda was excited for 24 hours."

:blinkie: :blinkie: :blinkie:
Happy001 Happy001
Quote:To boost sex drive, they once tried the remedy used by countless millions of humans: Viagra. "We'll never do that again," Mr Zhang says. "The panda was excited for 24 hours."

Poor Mrs. Panda