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Full Version: Browser News: Cross-Platform Netscape 9 Announced
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Quote:The official Netscape Blog has announced that Netscape 9 is under development. Like the current Netscape Browser 8, this release will presumably be based on Mozilla Firefox. According to the announcement, Netscape 9 will be a standalone browser (lacking components like a mail client or Web page editor) and will have tight integration with the Netscape.com website, which was relaunched as a Digg-style user-driven news and current events portal last year. A subsequent post revealed that Netscape 9 will be released simultaneously for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Netscape Browser 8 is only available for Windows.

full article: http://www.mozillazine.org/talkback.html?article=20397

Quote:Netscape's share has fallen from over 80 percent in the mid-Nineties to as low as less than one percent today.