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Full Version: 15 rarely used CSS level 2 properties you may want to try
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Quote:3. text-shadow
text-shadow: color, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, blur radius
text-shadow: #000000 10px -5px 1px

From Quirksmode:

    The text-shadow declaration allows you to create a text shadow; i.e. a slightly moved, slightly blurred copy of a text.


10. font-size-adjust
font-size-adjust: number

From w3schools:

    The ratio between the height of the font's lowercase letter "x" and the height of the "font-size" is called a font's aspect value. If the aspect value is high, the font will be legible when it is set to a smaller size. For example: Verdana has an aspect value of 0.58 (means that when font size is 100 px, its x-height is 58 px). Times New Roman has an aspect value of 0.46. This means that Verdana is more legible at smaller sizes than Times New Roman.

    The font-size-adjust property specifies an aspect value for an element that will preserve the x-height of the first-choice font.

full article: http://www.seomoz.org/blog/css-propertie...-never-use