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Full Version: Understanding what your customer wants: four key questions to ask yourself
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Quote:The customer is in the driver's seat. What could be more fundamental? Yet few leaders, amid all they are doing inside, are truly focused on the outside world of the customer.

If you are in business, beware. The silent revolution of technology and demography has given customers their own handy remote control, they reach you, one by one. Moreover, dozens of factors influence the way they see value.

The customer is taking charge. Consider healthcare. It is now standard procedure for patients to investigate symptoms on the Internet, learning about diseases and treatments, and tracking records of doctors and hospitals. Patients assess the latest clinical drug trials and experimental procedures. Consumers are now directing their own medical treatments. The specialist doesn't decide, only advise...

full article: http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/WIEd...trol.xhtml