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Full Version: Upselling: using the "suggest a product" feature to increase sales
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Quote:Creating a personalized online shopping experience is key to operating a successful Web shop and can be done in a variety of ways, but one route that's becoming more popular — and more profitable — is the "suggest a product" feature. There are now companies dedicated exclusively to this type of up-sell that claim the technology has improved from the days when you bought a gift for a toddler and then received recommendations for the latest Elmo doll every time you went back to the same site...

A CleverSet survey found that online retailers increased revenue-per-visitor by an average of 13 percent, and in some cases up to 30 percent, this past holiday season by implementing relevant, personalized product recommendations on their sites...

full article: http://www.ecommerce-guide.com/solutions...hp/3660996