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Full Version: Preview of Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Linux Desktop
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Quote:During my 8 years of Linux on and off usage I have tried more distros than I have chocolate bars. Each one of my previous encounters meant that I had to spend at least 2 days configuring before I have a desktop that I was somewhat comfortable with. With Ubuntu Feisty Fawn's latest test beta --for the first time ever-- this was not the case. I was up and running with all the niceties I wanted within 2 hours...

So far, I am very happy with Ubuntu because most things just work, the desktop looks fabulous and it does what I want it to do without having to dig where each option is (unlike Vista's new control panel)...

full article: http://www.osnews.com/story.php/17505/Ub...x-Matured/
Related article:

Quote:If the thought of Linux brings about images of command lines interfaces, having to compile software before you can use it and geeky nerds then you might be surprised to learn that all of those things are still there, but today’s Linux is also graphically driven and very user-friendly.

Unlike Windows Vista, you can take Ubuntu for a trial run by booting your computer with a Live CD. This allows you to run Ubuntu directly from the CD with no need for any installation. Not only do you get to find out how Ubuntu performs with your computer hardware, but you also get to test drive the operating system as if it were installed.

Contrast that with a recent account I heard of someone attempting to upgrade from XP to Vista and after several wasted hours they were left with an unbootable system. Cue a complete reinstall of Windows XP...

full article: http://www.internetmarketingfool.com/200...eds-vista/
A related article:

Quote:here are seven steps you can take right away to prevent common headaches and help yourself enjoy your new surroundings.

1. Fix your right Alt key...
2. Fix your screen resolution...
3. Install Automatix...
4. Make sure all your media files play...
5. Give Desktop Effects a shot...
6. Try Beryl for unbeatable eye candy...
7. Make friends with the package managers...

full article: http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,130923...ticle.html