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Full Version: 73% of those in the early 40's-mid 60's age bracket shop online
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Quote: Third Agers—those U.S. adults in their early-40s through mid-60s—play a major role in online retailing, according to a new study... 73% of Third Agers shop online and 86% research products online before purchasing online...

There are about 108 million people in the U.S. over the age of 45, representing more than 40% of the population, ThirdAge says.

Third Agers also are very tech-savvy when it comes to the Internet, with 72% accessing the web via broadband at home, according to the study. “Third Agers are regularly stereotyped as being technophobes and slow to jump on the technology bandwagon,” says Sharon Whitely, CEO of ThirdAge. “However, not only are they online, they’re surprisingly a formidable presence on the Internet.”...

full article: http://www.internetretailer.com/dailyNews.asp?id=22020