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Full Version: Picking a name for a product or service
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Quote:Picking a name for a product or service can be a random, controversial, and sometimes never-ending process. Yet, it must be done right because your name is what users, customers, investors and even employees will first (and most) remember about your company.

I’ve had a few experiences with naming start-ups. Each time the right name came about only after much trial and error and often, thanks to the suggestion of an outsider. My inaugural attempt at the naming game came in 1998, when I and my Stanford grad school classmate, Stephane, began working on our first startup. We had cool technology for speeding up Web sites. Over pizza in Escondido Village we tossed around some names with a few friends:

Me: “How about Beluga, Inc.?”...

full article: http://www.foundread.com/view/whats-in-a-name