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Full Version: Startups: How to Reach Profitability in 3 Months
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2 part article:

Quote:The financial goal of a start-up should be simple: profit in the least time with the least effort. Not more customers, not more revenue, not more offices or more employees: more profit.

Based on my interviews with high-performing CEOs in more than 20 countries, and my guest lectures at Princeton University in high-tech entrepreneurship here are the basic tenets of the “Margin Manifesto” – a return-to-basics call that gives permission to do the uncommon in order to achieve the uncommon: consistent profitability in 3 months or less. (The best news is, these same principles can then be applied to double your profits in the same amount of time!)...

part 1: http://www.foundread.com/view/the-margin-manifesto
part 2: http://www.foundread.com/view/part-ii-of-the