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Full Version: Web Retailers Face Hurdles With Email Marketing
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Quote:To be successful, all retailer e-mailers must create e-mail marketing programs that balance user needs and business goals, VanBoskirk says. “Most marketers today place too much focus on their business goals—sell product, liquidate inventory, drive brand awareness—and disregard the needs of their customers—save money, find a gift, manage loyalty points. No matter how creative or well-timed an e-mail message is, if a user doesn’t find any value in it, the marketing program will be useless to the marketer.”

But even with highly relevant e-mail messages, web retailers still face hurdles.

“E-mail marketing has gotten much harder in the last couple of years. Marketers must overcome a lot of challenges, including maintaining list quality, staying on top of e-mail design and rendering, and dealing with different e-mail providers such as Google and Yahoo,”...

full article: http://www.internetretailer.com/article.asp?id=22932