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Full Version: The Decline of Technorati
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Quote:Blog search-engine startup Technorati's own technorati, including its chief technologist and vice president of engineering, are leaving. With these heavy-hitters will go some of the site's geek credibility, while Google siphons away some of its traffic. It's all part of the Silicon Valley life cycle.

Will the company survive? Sure. But it will need to change if it is to flourish...

Technorati’s Gordon acknowledges that the site is trying simultaneously to reach publishers and consumers of user generated content—a broad mission. But as the company burns through even more infusions of funding, perhaps new management will consider reinventing the company into something less ambitious and more focused...

full article: http://www.forbes.com/technology/2007/07...orati.html

Quote:Meanwhile, almost 50% of Technorati’s traffic is actually coming from Google (47% at the end of March 2007, says Hitwise).

As others pointed out many months ago, Google may decide that having Technorati search result pages within Google results offers no value, and drop them altogether.

Technorati’s latest move was to turn itself into a multimedia hub, something that hasn’t appealed to the tech elite (ironic, considering the company’s name). Traffic is climbing, they say, but that won’t continue if Google pulls the plug...

full article: http://mashable.com/2007/07/07/what-shou...norati-do/
Sort of related. Tongue3

I HATE the changes that technorati made in May. It seems to me that it's more difficult to find things, and I liked the previous options.
Also, while I like the authority rating rather than Alexa, they miss links  frequently!! Tongue2