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Quote:More and more Web sites, particularly e-commerce sites, are adding onsite blogs. Some, like the blog for the 24 Hour Secretary, offer visitors helpful tips and advice. Others, like blogs.sun.com, the home page for Sun Microsystems' many blogs, are sounding boards for the company's CEO and employees.

Still others, like American Apparel's Daily Update, are more like social networking sites, allowing just about anyone to chime in with an entry or comment. And there are some sites, such as The Poppe Law Firm, a small Kentucky legal practice, that use their blog to discuss issues (or in this case, cases) that are important to them and, perhaps, their customers.

While having a blog can make a site appear to be "cool" or "hip," or at least au currant, do blogs actually add value to a Web site, particularly an e-commerce site? Even more important, does having a blog help you improve sales?...

full article: http://www.ecommerce-guide.com/solutions...hp/3688946