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Full Version: Building B2B Landing Pages for Organic Search
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Quote:Much is written about engineering landing pages for PPC campaigns, but all too often little thought goes into creating the right landing pages for SEO, even less so for B2B SEO. Obviously, for any given query you can't dictate to the search engines the exact page to which a particular organic search engine result points, but you can strongly influence this. The problem is, many B2B companies don't even bother to evaluate, let alone manage, organic landing pages. This is particularly concerning given that theĀ  most recent B2B study by Enquiro showed that nearly 75 percent of B2B searchers clicked on an organic search result first. Here's a case study comparing two B2B companies' organic landing pages for a given search term...

full article: http://searchengineland.com/070718-081629.php