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Full Version: Doing Productive Internet Work With The Kids In The House
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Quote:Not all web workers are the hip, trendy, just-out-of college types — quite a few of us have rugrats running around, making noise, spilling juice and demanding attention at the same time as our email and IM demand that same attention.

I’ve got a 14-year-old daughter who wants to use the computer to check her MySpace messages, a 1-year-old daughter who is extremely tiny and yet has the healthiest set of lungs in the house, and four kids in between who make the Tasmanian devil seem like a calm Zen Master. And yet, I manage. I write several articles a day on top of my day job, in addition to cleaning the house, doing errands, and making sure the bills are paid on time.

We’ve written before on how to manage kids in the home office. As a father of six kids, I have some additional tips based on my own experience...

full article: http://webworkerdaily.com/2007/08/03/10-...#more-1000